Friday, August 27, 2010

Beauty Talk: Skin Care By Age: 20s - Laying The Foundation

Just as everything in our life skin care should be age appropriate. Skin needs differ at various stages of our life. In your twenties it is mostly about prevention measures and controlling breakouts, in your 30s it is often about sensitivity, in forties, you deal with lines, sun spots, skin dullness and in 50s you face loss of firmness. I have researched skin care and skin issues by age before but decided to revisit this subject to remind myself some things I should be doing now and what I should look out for in the future.

Let’s start with the 20s. Here is when you can lay a great foundation for your skin’s beauty and health. You don’t have to do much nor invest a lot into skin care. Just follow a regular skin care routine correct for your skin type, i.e. cleanse and moisturize daily, exfoliate as often as advisable for your skin type. Don’t forget to protect your skin from the destroying UV rays. You will be so glad when you are in your late 40s and you don’t have any sun spots unlike your sun damage oblivious friends of the same age.
Here are a couple more tips:
• Get into good beauty habits from early on

Wear sunscreen protecting your skin from UVA and UVB

• Though temptation is great, do not use solariums : nice sun tan for a month comes alongside prematurely aged (i.e wrinkled) skin.
• Do not sleep in your makeup no matter how wild and late the night is.
• Drink plenty of water, keep to a healthy diet, and please, exercise – staying fit has done so much good for my skin!
• Do not overuse or abuse skin care products, use products appropriate for your age – you don’t want to start intensive anti-aging treatments now – what will you do when you are in your 50s?
• When fighting acne, do not be too aggressive on your skin. Too much cleansing and peelings will only aggravate the problem
• And one last thing: Trust me, you look GREAT! (even with a couple pimples!) Enjoy your young firm skin and fresh bright complexion!

To be continued...

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