Saturday, September 18, 2010


Somebody has said rightly that, “You are what you eat!” Whatever you eat has an effect on your body as well as skin.

Research suggests that food has an effect on your mind as well. Eat nutritious and healthy food and you will find your self healthy and fit with glowing skin. Healthy eating is the best way to remain fit and fine. Healthy eating may sometime seem tough and challenging but it has many benefits that make it worthwhile.
In this era of cut throat competition, working women live a hectic and stressful life. They hardly get anytime to spend behind researching on what is good and not good for their health. For working women, who do not have enough time to cook nutritional recipes, we present some amazing recipes that are quick to make and give energy plus strength, in this ebook. Not just this, in this ebook we have also added some lip-smacking dishes that working women can prepare on a holiday and give a treat to their taste buds.
So don’t wait for time and chance to pen down or memorize that recipe from the T.V or radio show. Just get this ebook and make some really nutritious and tasty snacks, meals and a lot more….After all “The way to a man’s or your family member’s heart is through his/ their stomach.”


Yoga, a small word but loaded with enormous power. Yes! It has the power to change the quality of your life. Yoga is that spiritual practice which brings about a great
transformation in all the aspects, of a person, the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. Yoga helps you not only in keeping your body healthy, it also helps in developing alertness of mind and enhancing sense of awareness. Yoga makes your outer self work in sync with inner self. Just give twenty to thirty minutes a day to practice yoga and you will experience the changes both in your body and mind. This ebook on yoga has all the information you need on yoga. Starting from meaning of yoga to basic yoga practices this book covers everything. It enlightens you about how this healing therapy came into existence. It also includes the miracle this wonderful practice can have both on your body and on your psyche. This ebook would be of great help for those who want to introduce yoga in their life and reap its benefits. The basic movements, especially, have been explained in depth and also the cautions to be taken have been specified for each and every movement.
If you are stressed and need a break, if you want to find a fitter you, if you want to remain energized all through the day, if you want to increase your concentration powers, then this ebook is indispensable for you. Grab this ebook now and energize your body with the power of Yoga!

"Oscar Wilde has rightly said that “No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly.”

Oscar Wilde has rightly said that “No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly.” When we think about this quote, it appears to us that no matter how beautiful we are there are always chances that we may lose luster. The most important part of the body that shields the entire body, skin, has to look great and beautiful if we want to look beautiful. If properly not taken care of then some conditions may arise when no matter how pretty you are you may not remain so. Shocking but true!
It is very imperative to take care of the largest organ of your body, the skin. Skin care is not just about washing your face two times a day. It’s not just about applying some cream on your face. The first thing is to know the type of skin you have got and how to take care of your skin. This ebook begins from the a,b,c….. of skin care. From identifying the skin type to what to eat and what not to eat to keep your skin healthy is covered by this ebook.
Skin care is a holistic approach that includes diet, exercise, yoga etc. An insight into all these aspects has been given in this enlightening ebook. Know the right food, the right lifestyle and the right things to do with the comprehensive information provided on each of the topics related to skin care! This ebook provides detailed information on the routine skin care regimen for each of the skin types.
A part from information on regular skin care routine, this ebook also provides information on skin care tips to be followed to keep your skin radiant. Wondering what is the topping on the dish? It is the knowledge about certain postures and exercises, which makes this, book a unique book on skin care. No other book can provide you such detailed information. This all-inclusive book will help you save much than just experimenting with some products on sale. Get it and get compliments for a wonderful skin!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I'm totally against diet fads, and decided that any changes I make must be sustainable indefinitely. So I decided on my own mix of calorie counting, cutting down a bit on fat, and big reduction in carbohydrates. Why carbs? I kept a food diary for a week and noticed I was eating a huge amount of pasta and bread, and many diet experts think carbs are hard to break down and can cause weight gain.
But the main idea was to retrain my stomach so that I stop eating when I'm full. After all, unless you have a major eating disorder, at some point in every meal you will stop eating, even if the food still tastes good, because you've had enough - in other words, you exercise restraint. I decided I would simply move that point of restraint a little bit earlier in the meal. I wouldn't even have really lost anything; after all, you don't feel any better after having two slices of chocolate cake than you did after the first one - it's still a wrench to not have the third delicious slice, so why not just stop after the first one!
The most important change is simply to cut down massively on the portions I eat. When I cook something for myself, I serve half the amount I normally would, then I put the rest back in the fridge. I am allowing myself seconds if I really want - after a pause to make sure I'm still genuinely hungry - but just by not putting so much on my plate first time round I've noticed I'm eating less; repeated seconds have always been my downfall, especially when followed by "just one more spoon" several times. If I really get the urge to nibble I go for more vegetables.
Some other things I'm doing:
Breakfast: Medium sliced bread has 65 calories per slice, while thick slice has 120. I switched to one medium slice from two thick slices of toast for breakfast. This left me hungry for the first couple of weeks, then it just seemed normal. I have my usual mid-morning banana and that lasts me till lunch.
Lunch: On work days I still usually make myself a sandwich, but I no longer put in butter, instead lashings of mustard (very low cal) and ham (ditto, only 12 cals per slice). Soups without cream or butter or cheese or potato are fine, and supermarket crab sticks are very tasty and only 15 calories a stick, as are pickled onions (also a good snack as they have virtually no calories!). Fruit is good to some extent but is higher cal than vegetables, so I try to eat a carrot rather than an apple.
An alternative lunch is noodles with stir fried vegetables - under 300 calories but really fills you up. I've switched to using a "one-calorie" spray for frying with, they are great! You can use them instead of cooking oil. Save loads of calories and fat.
Supper: I still eat fatty meat - I ate pork steaks for 4 nights running last week. Very fatty, AND had them with a peanut butter and chilli sauce. But I made up for it by not having any potatoes or carbs with them. Made really nice stuffed aubergines to go with them, and some lovely butter beans in a tomato sauce. I'm trying to replace some of my carbs with lots more veggies as I really like vegetables and their calorific value is fairly negligible.
I still have a pudding at night but mostly keep it to under 300 calories (some nights under 200), and I have a cup of coffee which seems to fill me up more than the equivalent amount in water.
None of this seems very drastic. All the food I am eating I am enjoying and it's tasty, so I'm not suffering through lack of nice stuff. I do have to cook a lot more as you need to make things like veggies very tasty to make up for fact you are eating more of them.
And the results? So far I've dropped one clothes size and lost a stone in 6 weeks! And all through a few small bits of changing around what I'm eating, and stopping eating when I'm full. Among all those complicated and faddy diets, it's the perfect application of the KISS principle - "Keep It Simple, Stupid"!

A radical new diet method - common sense

I'm a reasonably active, healthy, 38 year old, and I've been watching my weight creep up slowly over the years with a feeling of resigned inevitability. That's just what happens with age, right? Anyway, a size 12 at age 38 isn't bad, even for a petite 5'0" like myself. But actually deep down I knew I wanted to do something about it, without going down the yo-yo diet route I see in so many of my friends.
The turning point for me was a couple of months ago when, having polished off my plate at a delicious Greek restaurant, I generously helped one or two others finish off theirs, and received a mild-mannered leg-pulling from my dinner companions. "How do you fit so much food into such a small frame?" was the kind of thing.
Later I reflected that no so very long ago, back in university days, I would never even finish my own meal. My then boyfriend was very appreciative, as he used to get an extra half meal every time. How could it be that my appetite had increased so much? My height and build are the same, and so is my activity level, so I couldn't think of any good reason why I'd be eating more at 38 than at 20. Could my stomach have gradually stretched over time? And could I re-educate it?
article continued

Understanding sugar-free sweeteners

Anyone who is dieting, or at least trying to watch what they eat, is familiar with the wide variety of sugar substitutes available in the marketplace today. However, most people remain mystified regarding the origin and safety issues attached to all these sugar substitutes. Worse yet, they have no idea which one to choose or if one is even better than another. Let's try to take away some of that mystery and pull back the veil to uncover the many options available.
The purpose of a sugar substitute is to sweeten like a sugar without delivering too much food energy, which can result in mild to severe insulin spike. With diabetes at epidemic proportions, cutting sugar intake has become a necessity in today's world.
The sugar substitutes with which people are most familiar are synthetic or "artificial" in nature. However, there are some that are natural, coming from Mother Nature, very much like sugar itself. Many of these sweeteners are concentrated and require less of the product to achieve the desired sweetness level. A few can be used across the board either to sweeten food or drink as well as for cooking. Others are tricky and vary greatly according to the type of sweetener. Some lose their composition or sweetness when heated and are therefore not recommended for use in baking.

Skin care products that don't work

I have a major pet peeve - retail products that are falsely advertised. One major category where I have found rampant abuse is in the cosmetic and skin care industry. A few inexpensive cosmetic purchases that turn bad may be acceptable, but I for one strongly resent expensive skin care products that don't even come close to living up to their claims.  Misrepresentation is one thing - out and out lies is something else altogether.
Of course not every skin care product can be expected to work for everyone. Some work for certain skin textures, others are geared for a specific type of skin (oily, dry, combination, etc). Still others are more successful on skin that hasn't already begun to age. But even given these caveats, some products fail to meet the hype in spectacular fashion, and we'll have a look at a few of these now.
Note: all these products have been tested by me personally and by members of my family, and I have cross-referenced our results with multiple reviews from all over the net that express the same opinion.
article continued

Review: Olay Definity Color Recapture A moisturizer with built-in SPF protection

Like most women my age, I want to look as good as I can all of the time, but I don’t want to wear makeup 24/7. For that reason, I was eager to try Olay Definity Color Recapture. It offers a sheer touch of color along with:
  • SPF 15 protection
  • anti-aging properties
  • penetrating moisturizers
  • skin illuminating qualities
It seemed to offer the best of all worlds in one, single bottle. The question was “does it work?” I’m happy to say the answer is a resounding “yes!”
Olay Definity’s Color Recapture contains a glucosamine complex that allows it to penetrate through all the layers of the skin to work from the inside out. It is specifically designed to treat aging skin by providing youthful hydration; improving skin texture; enhancing natural skin tone and color; eliminating minor flaws due to skin discoloration and diminishing the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Best of all, it does all of that in just about 30 to 45 days.

Beginning any exercise routine requires proper planning

Always choose a routine that will fit the goals you have set. For example, if you want to build muscle, then weight training might be a good fit. On the other hand, if you want to lengthen and strengthen your core muscles, then Pilate's might be a better choice Aerobics, jogging and running could be a good option for those who are trying to burn extra calories. Swimming is a good, all around exercise. The point is that using an exercise routine that is contradictory to what you want to achieve will not only frustrate you, but also make it easy to stop exercising.
Exercising alone can quickly become boring, making it easy to abandon. It is better to exercise along with family or friends or to join a group with similar exercise goals. The camaraderie will make the time pass quicker and the extra support will be useful when achieving your goals seems to be impossible.
Wear comfortable clothing. There is a reason that workout clothes are soft, stretchy and pliable. It is called "comfort." While you may be able to run or work out in your regular clothing, you will not accomplish any workout at its highest level because you will be encumbered. Instead, choose light colored and lightweight clothing that allows you to move easily, as well as bend and stretch, without resistance. Be sure to also choose footwear that provides arch support and provides the proper protection.
Always have water available while you exercise. That is particularly important in the summer months when hydration often becomes a problem. The body will be able to work harder and maintain a good routine level longer if it is properly hydrated.
Don't exercise when you are hungry. First of all, your body won't work at peak performance and lastly you will very likely end the routine early in order to grab some nutrition. Eating the right kinds of foods, like fruits and vegetables, before exercising will give you an extra burst of steam and help you complete your routine easily.
Always stretch thoroughly before beginning any routine, no matter what kind it is. Stretching beforehand helps to engage the muscles slowly and prepare them for almost any workout level. I also recommend doing a cool down stretch routine at the end of exercise to give the muscles a chance to move slowly back into normal mode smoothly and naturally.
Establish a set routine for exercising that sets the number of times you will workout each week and the length of time for each workout. Consider alternating different types of routines like strength training on one day and aerobics on another. This will give your various muscle groups time to recuperate properly before the next workout comes along.
Lastly, be prepared to stop exercising immediately if you experience any of the following:
  • Chest pain that radiates to the arm or jaw
  • Difficulty catching your breath or maintaining normal breathing
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Irregular, slow or fast heart beat
  • Sudden intense head pain
  • Tunnel vision
  • Unexplained weakness in the extremities.
Beginning any exercise routine requires proper planning as well as good execution. If you take the time to give attention to both, the end result is likely to be success.

What you need to know before you exercise Don't work that body till you've read these tips

It has been drilled into our heads almost from the moment of birth that exercise is good for us. While that is most assuredly true, what the experts often fail to say is that it is equally important to find the "right" kind of exercise. Not all of us can run or jog, or even should for that matter. Some of us can't do the breathing required to accomplish Yoga either. Still others don't have the strength to lift heavy weights. So not every exercise is right for every person.
There are things that should be taken into consideration before you start exercising. The first and foremost is your health; some health issues will naturally eliminate certain types of programs, while others will require moving into an exercise routine at a slow and methodical pace, and still others will dictate the length of the program or the level at which it is practiced. It is always advisable to get physician approval before beginning exercise; that way a qualified expert can help you determine which type of program will work best for you.
The goals you hope to achieve through exercise must also be realistic. For example, it may not be feasible for a 300-pound man to lose 150 pounds in five months. That would equate to over 30 pounds a month. While not impossible with the right diet and exercise program, it will be difficult and could cause some serious self-doubt. A goal of 150 pounds in six or seven months might be a better goal. If the individual manages to achieve it earlier, that is all the better.