Thursday, September 9, 2010

Beginning any exercise routine requires proper planning

Always choose a routine that will fit the goals you have set. For example, if you want to build muscle, then weight training might be a good fit. On the other hand, if you want to lengthen and strengthen your core muscles, then Pilate's might be a better choice Aerobics, jogging and running could be a good option for those who are trying to burn extra calories. Swimming is a good, all around exercise. The point is that using an exercise routine that is contradictory to what you want to achieve will not only frustrate you, but also make it easy to stop exercising.
Exercising alone can quickly become boring, making it easy to abandon. It is better to exercise along with family or friends or to join a group with similar exercise goals. The camaraderie will make the time pass quicker and the extra support will be useful when achieving your goals seems to be impossible.
Wear comfortable clothing. There is a reason that workout clothes are soft, stretchy and pliable. It is called "comfort." While you may be able to run or work out in your regular clothing, you will not accomplish any workout at its highest level because you will be encumbered. Instead, choose light colored and lightweight clothing that allows you to move easily, as well as bend and stretch, without resistance. Be sure to also choose footwear that provides arch support and provides the proper protection.
Always have water available while you exercise. That is particularly important in the summer months when hydration often becomes a problem. The body will be able to work harder and maintain a good routine level longer if it is properly hydrated.
Don't exercise when you are hungry. First of all, your body won't work at peak performance and lastly you will very likely end the routine early in order to grab some nutrition. Eating the right kinds of foods, like fruits and vegetables, before exercising will give you an extra burst of steam and help you complete your routine easily.
Always stretch thoroughly before beginning any routine, no matter what kind it is. Stretching beforehand helps to engage the muscles slowly and prepare them for almost any workout level. I also recommend doing a cool down stretch routine at the end of exercise to give the muscles a chance to move slowly back into normal mode smoothly and naturally.
Establish a set routine for exercising that sets the number of times you will workout each week and the length of time for each workout. Consider alternating different types of routines like strength training on one day and aerobics on another. This will give your various muscle groups time to recuperate properly before the next workout comes along.
Lastly, be prepared to stop exercising immediately if you experience any of the following:
  • Chest pain that radiates to the arm or jaw
  • Difficulty catching your breath or maintaining normal breathing
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Irregular, slow or fast heart beat
  • Sudden intense head pain
  • Tunnel vision
  • Unexplained weakness in the extremities.
Beginning any exercise routine requires proper planning as well as good execution. If you take the time to give attention to both, the end result is likely to be success.

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